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Compute Config API Reference

Customer-hosted cloud features


Some features are only available on customer-hosted clouds. Reach out to for info.

Compute Config Models


Configuration for instance types and cloud resources for a cluster.


  • cloud (str | None): The Anyscale Cloud to run this workload on. If not provided, the organization default will be used (or, if running in a workspace, the cloud of the workspace).
  • head_node (HeadNodeConfig | Dict | None): Configuration options for the head node of the cluster. Defaults to the cloud's default head node configuration.
  • worker_nodes (List[WorkerNodeGroupConfig | Dict] | None): Configuration options for the worker nodes of the cluster. If not provided, worker nodes will be automatically selected based on logical resource requests. To use a head-node only cluster, pass [] here.
  • max_resources (Dict[str, float] | None): Total maximum logical resources across all nodes in the cluster. Resources omitted from this field have no maximum. Only 'CPU' and 'GPU' resource limits are currently supported.
  • zones (List[str] | None): Availability zones to consider for this cluster. Defaults to all zones in the cloud's region. By default all instances will run in the same zone to save cost, unless enable_cross_zone_scaling is set.
  • enable_cross_zone_scaling (bool): Allow instances in the cluster to be run across multiple zones. This is recommended when running production services (for fault-tolerance in a zone failure scenario). It is not recommended for workloads that have a large amount of inter-zone communication due to the possibility of higher costs and degraded performance.
  • advanced_instance_config (Dict[str, Any] | None): Advanced instance configurations that will be passed through to the cloud provider.
  • flags (Dict[str, Any] | None): Cluster-level flags specifying advanced or experimental options.

Python Methods

def __init__(self, **fields) -> ComputeConfig
"""Construct a model with the provided field values set."""

def options(self, **fields) -> ComputeConfig
"""Return a copy of the model with the provided field values overwritten."""

def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]
"""Return a dictionary representation of the model."""


cloud: my-cloud
instance_type: m5.8xlarge
- instance_type: m5.8xlarge
min_nodes: 5
max_nodes: 5
- instance_type: m5.4xlarge
min_nodes: 1
max_nodes: 10
market_type: SPOT


Configuration options for the head node of a cluster.


  • instance_type (str): Cloud provider instance type, e.g., m5.2xlarge on AWS or n2-standard-8 on GCP.
  • resources (Dict[str, float] | None): Logical resources that will be available on this node. Defaults to match the physical resources of the instance type.
  • advanced_instance_config (Dict[str, Any] | None): Advanced instance configurations that will be passed through to the cloud provider.
  • flags (Dict[str, Any] | None): Node-level flags specifying advanced or experimental options.

Python Methods

def __init__(self, **fields) -> HeadNodeConfig
"""Construct a model with the provided field values set."""

def options(self, **fields) -> HeadNodeConfig
"""Return a copy of the model with the provided field values overwritten."""

def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]
"""Return a dictionary representation of the model."""


instance_type: m5.8xlarge


Configuration options for a worker node group in a cluster.

Clusters can have multiple worker node groups that use different instance types or configurations.


  • instance_type (str): Cloud provider instance type, e.g., m5.2xlarge on AWS or n2-standard-8 on GCP.
  • resources (Dict[str, float] | None): Logical resources that will be available on this node. Defaults to match the physical resources of the instance type.
  • advanced_instance_config (Dict[str, Any] | None): Advanced instance configurations that will be passed through to the cloud provider.
  • flags (Dict[str, Any] | None): Node-level flags specifying advanced or experimental options.
  • name (str | None): Unique name of this worker group. Defaults to a human-friendly representation of the instance type.
  • min_nodes (int): Minimum number of nodes of this type that will be kept running in the cluster.
  • max_nodes (int): Maximum number of nodes of this type that can be running in the cluster.
  • market_type (str | MarketType): The type of instances to use (see MarketType enum values for details).

Python Methods

def __init__(self, **fields) -> WorkerNodeGroupConfig
"""Construct a model with the provided field values set."""

def options(self, **fields) -> WorkerNodeGroupConfig
"""Return a copy of the model with the provided field values overwritten."""

def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]
"""Return a dictionary representation of the model."""


- instance_type: m5.8xlarge
min_nodes: 5
max_nodes: 5
- instance_type: m5.4xlarge
min_nodes: 1
max_nodes: 10
market_type: SPOT


Market type of instances to use (on-demand vs. spot).


  • ON_DEMAND: Use on-demand instances only.
  • SPOT: Use spot instances only.
  • PREFER_SPOT: Prefer to use spot instances, but fall back to on-demand if necessary. If on-demand instances are running and spot instances become available, the on-demand instances will be evicted and replaced with spot instances.


Details of a created version of a compute config.

Includes the config options and metadata such as the name, version, and ID.


  • name (str): Name of the compute config including the version tag, i.e., 'name:version'.
  • id (str): Unique ID of the compute config.
  • config (ComputeConfig): The compute configuration.

Python Methods

def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]
"""Return a dictionary representation of the model."""


import anyscale
from anyscale.compute_config.models import (

version: ComputeConfigVersion = anyscale.compute_config.get("my-compute-config")

Compute Config CLI

anyscale compute-config create


anyscale compute-config create [OPTIONS] [COMPUTE_CONFIG_FILE]

Create a new version of a compute config from a YAML file.

(1) To use the new schema defined at, use the -f/--config-file flag:

anyscale compute-config create -f new_schema_config.yaml

(2) To use the old schema defined at, use the positional argument:

anyscale compute-config create old_schema_config.yaml


  • -n/--name: Name for the created compute config. This should not include a version tag. If a name is not provided, an anonymous compute config is generated. Anonymous compute configs are not accessible in the UI and can only be referenced by their ID.
  • -f/--config-file: Path to a YAML config file defining the compute config. Schema:

anyscale compute-config get


anyscale compute-config get [OPTIONS] [COMPUTE_CONFIG_NAME]

Get the details of a compute config.

The name can contain an optional version, e.g., 'name:version'. If no version is provided, the latest one will be archived.


anyscale compute-config archive


anyscale compute-config archive [OPTIONS] [COMPUTE_CONFIG_NAME]

Archive all versions of a specified compute config.


  • -n/--name: Name of the compute config to archive.
  • --compute-config-id/--id: ID of the compute config to archive. Alternative to name.

Compute Config SDK


Create a new version of a compute config.

Returns the full name of the registered compute config, including the version.


  • config (ComputeConfig): The config options defining the compute config.
  • name (str | None): The name of the compute config. This should not include a version tag. If a name is not provided, one will be automatically generated.

Returns: str


import anyscale
from anyscale.compute_config.models import ComputeConfig, HeadNodeConfig, MarketType, WorkerNodeGroupConfig

config = ComputeConfig(
full_name: str = anyscale.compute_config.create(config, name="my-compute-config")


Get the compute config with the specified name.

The name can contain an optional version tag, i.e., 'name:version'. If no version is provided, the latest one will be returned.


  • name (str): The name of the compute config. This can inclue an optional version tag, i.e., 'name:version'. If no version tag is provided, the latest version will be returned.
  • include_archived (bool) = False: Whether to consider archived compute configs (defaults to False).

Returns: ComputeConfigVersion


import anyscale
from anyscale.compute_config.models import ComputeConfig

compute_config: ComputeConfig = anyscale.compute_config.get("my-compute-config")


Archive a compute config and all of its versions.

The name can contain an optional version, e.g., 'name:version'. If no version is provided, the latest one will be archived.

Once a compute config is archived, its name will no longer be usable in the organization.


  • name (str): Name of the compute config.


import anyscale
