Secret management
Store sensitive data such as API keys, tokens, credentials, and passwords in a secret manager rather than using exposed environment variables. On a self-hosted Anyscale Cloud, you can grant workspaces, jobs, and services the ability to retrieve and use data stored in Amazon Secrets Manager or GCP Secret Manager by attaching additional IAM policies to the associated IAM roles.
You can only connect with Amazon Secrets Manager or GCP Secret Manager if you have deployed your own cloud, not an Anyscale-hosted cloud. See Cloud deployment for set-up instructions.
- Self-hosted AWS cloud
- Self-hosted GCP cloud
Configure IAM role
For self-hosted Anyscale Clouds on AWS, you should configure access to Amazon Secrets Manager for your Anyscale workloads.
- Retrieve your secret's Amazon Resource Name (ARN), which looks like
. - Determine the IAM role that your cluster uses. By default, Anyscale clusters run with a cloud-specific IAM role. If you set up a custom IAM role, use that role.
Grant the IAM role access to the secret
Each IAM role associated with Anyscale must have the appropriate IAM policy for reading secrets. To grant access, complete the following:
- In the AWS console, go to the IAM > Roles console.
- Search for your cluster's role, and select it.
- Add an inline policy to the role, which grants read access to the secret.
- In the Permissions tab, select Add permission and then Create inline policy.
- Select the JSON tab.
- Use the following JSON as a starting point, making sure to replace
with your secret's ARN.
"Statement": [
"Action": ["secretsmanager:GetSecretValue"],
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": ["SECRET_ARN"],
"Sid": "SecretsManagerGetSecretValue"
- (Optional) The resource-based policy associated with the secret may require modification to grant permission to the IAM role used by Anyscale. See AWS Secrets Manager permissions policy docs for details.
For more information on managing IAM policies associated with IAM Roles, see AWS IAM docs. For other examples of AWS Secrets Manager policies, see the AWS Secrets Manager docs.
Using secrets
To inject secrets into the container running your workload, you can use init scripts to fetch, export, and use secrets.
Initialization script
Init scripts are shell scripts that run inside the Ray container on all nodes before Ray starts. They give you a flexible way to integrate third-party tools, clone private repos, or perform commands to fetch resources and runtime dependencies.
To add init scripts to your container image, write them into /anyscale/init
To retrieve a GitHub personal access token stored in Amazon Secrets Manager and clone a private GitHub repository, follow these steps:
Create a personal access token in GitHub with permissions to access your private repository.
Create a
script like the one below:#/bin/bash
# Prereqs: awscli, jq
# Create and navigate to the working directory.
# Retrieve and extract the GitHub token from AWS Secrets Manager.
SECRET_VALUE=$(aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id ${SECRET_NAME} | jq -r .SecretString)
GITHUB_TOKEN=$(echo ${SECRET_VALUE} | jq -r .github_token)
# Clone the private repository.
git clone https://${GITHUB_TOKEN}${PRIVATE_REPO_NAME} -
Build a container image hosted in ECR. Below is an example
:# Use Anyscale base image
FROM anyscale/ray:2.30.0-slim-py310
# Create the init directory
RUN sudo mkdir -p /anyscale/init
# Install necessary packages
RUN sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y axel nfs-common zip unzip && sudo apt-get clean
RUN sudo apt-get install -y jq git curl && sudo apt-get clean
# Install AWS CLI v2
RUN curl "" -o ""
RUN unzip && sudo ./aws/install
# Install Python dependencies
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -U sympy anyscale
# Add the GitHub clone init script
ADD ./ /anyscale/init/
RUN sudo chmod +x /anyscale/init/
# (Optional) Verify base image dependencies
RUN echo "Testing Ray Import..." && python -c "import ray"
RUN ray --version
RUN jupyter --version
RUN anyscale --version
RUN sudo supervisord --version
RUN aws --version -
Once you've built the image, you can follow the guide for using container images.
Configure the service account
For self-hosted Anyscale Clouds on GCP, you should configure access to GCP Secret Manager for your Anyscale workloads.
- Enable the Secret Manager API in the Google Project you are using.
- Create a secret using Secret Manager.
- Determine the service account your cluster uses. Anyscale clusters run with a default service account. If you set up a custom service account, use that one in the next section.
Grant the service account access to the secret
Each service account with Anyscale must have the appropriate access control for reading secrets. To grant access, complete the following:
- Go to the GCP IAM page.
- Search for and select the cluster's service account, then click Edit.
- In the Assign Roles section, select Add another role and search for Secret Manager Secret Accessor.
- Click Save.
These steps grant access to all secrets stored in the project. For more granular access, see the Google Secret Manager docs
If your security requirements demand it, you may need to add the service account as a principal to specific secrets instead of applying the broader role. For more details, see Principle of least privilege.
Using secrets
To inject secrets into the container running your workload, you can use init scripts to fetch, export, and use secrets.
Initialization script
Init scripts are shell scripts that run inside the Ray container on all nodes before Ray starts. They give you a flexible way to integrate third-party tools, clone private repos, or perform commands to fetch resources and runtime dependencies.
To add init scripts to your container image, write them into /anyscale/init
To retrieve a GitHub personal access token stored in Google Secrets Manager and clone a private GitHub repository, follow these steps:
Create a personal access token in GitHub with permissions to access your private repository.
Create a
script like the one below:#/bin/bash
# Prereqs: gcloud, jq
# Create and navigate to the working directory.
# Retrieve and extract the GitHub token from Google Secrets Manager.
SECRET_VALUE=$(gcloud secrets versions access latest --secret=$SECRET_NAME)
GITHUB_TOKEN=$(echo ${SECRET_VALUE} | jq -r .github_token)
# Clone the repo.
git clone https://${GITHUB_TOKEN}${PRIVATE_REPO_NAME} -
Build a container image hosted in Google Artifact Registry. Here's an example
:# Use Anyscale base image
FROM anyscale/ray:2.30.0-slim-py310
# Create the init directory
RUN sudo mkdir -p /anyscale/init
# Install necessary packages
RUN sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y axel nfs-common zip unzip jq git curl && sudo apt-get clean
# Install Google Cloud SDK (for accessing GCP services)
RUN echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/] cloud-sdk main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-cloud-sdk.list
RUN curl | sudo apt-key add -
RUN sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y google-cloud-sdk
# Install Python dependencies
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -U sympy anyscale
# Add the GitHub clone init script
ADD ./ /anyscale/init/
RUN sudo chmod +x /anyscale/init/
# (Optional) Verify base image dependencies
RUN echo "Testing Ray Import..." && python -c "import ray"
RUN ray --version
RUN jupyter --version
RUN anyscale --version
RUN sudo supervisord --version
RUN gcloud --version -
Once you've built the image, you can follow the guide for using container images.