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Multi-application services

This guide walks through deploying multiple applications in a single Anyscale Service.

Multiple applications

In Ray Serve, an application is the smallest unit that can be independently upgraded without affecting other parts of the service. It consists of one or more deployments tied together in a directed acyclic graph using model composition. An application can be called by HTTP at the specified route prefix.

name: multi-app-service
- name: app1
- name: app2

Using model composition, you can deploy a mixture of ML models and business logic as a single application, and each deployment in the application can be configured and scaled independently. With multiple applications in a service you have extended flexibility for certain use cases.

  • Management overhead: Instead of running a separate service for each new application, you can serve multiple models behind separate query-able endpoints within a single service.
  • Hardware utilization: Even when you have groups of independent models, co-hosting them on shared compute allows you to increase hardware utilization.
  • Flexible updates: You can update applications independently of each other.

Query a multi-application service

Each application within a multi-application service can be queried by HTTP at its own endpoint, determined by its route_prefix.

For instance, if you deploy application app1 with route prefix /endpoint1, and application app2 with route prefix /endpoint2, then you can query them separately like this:

# Query app1

# Query app2

Add or remove applications

Using in-place updates, you can dynamically add applications to and remove applications from the cluster without having to bring down the service. All running applications in the service continue to serve traffic at their respective endpoints without interruption.

Note that while we normally caution against using in-place updates, multi-application services is one case where in-place updates can be very useful. Of course, a cross-cluster upgrade is always the strictly safer option.

To add an application app3, add it as a new entry in your service YAML definition under applications:

name: multi-app-service
- name: app1
- name: app2
- name: app3

Similarly, to remove an application app1, remove its entry in your service YAML definition under applications:

name: multi-app-service
- name: app2
- name: app3


This YAML file can be used to deploy a two-application service containing a sentiment analysis model and a Stable Diffusion model.

name: multi-app-service
image_uri: anyscale/ray-ml:2.30.0-py39
- name: sentiment
route_prefix: /sentiment

- name: stable_diffusion
route_prefix: /diffusion
- accelerate==0.14.0
- diffusers @ git+
- Pillow==9.3.0
- scipy==1.9.3
- torch==1.13.0
- torchvision==0.14.0
- transformers==4.24.0

Multiple applications in different containers

By default, all Ray Serve applications run in the environment that the Anyscale cluster starts with. However, you might want to run your applications in their own containers. This provides several benefits:

  • You don't have to install per-application dependencies at runtime using pip or conda runtime environments. Instead, you can use a stable image that containerizes your application and its dependencies.
  • You don't have to package all applications and their dependencies into one image, as a monolith image can grow very large. Instead, you can separate them out into per-application images.

However, note that this also puts more of the version management responsibility on the user. In particular, one requirement to keep in mind is that the Ray and Python version in the overall Anyscale service cluster must match that of the images used to run your applications.

Container runtime environment

Ray Serve uses runtime environments to configure the per-application environment each of your models run in.

Runtime environments like pip, conda, or working_dir give your models dynamic access to dependencies and files they require through virtual environments and downloading files at runtime, but the models still run in the original service cluster environment. Recall that the service itself runs within a container that is configured by the service's image_uri.

To run your applications in completely separate containers using different images from the service cluster environment, configure an application's image_uri runtime environment.

name: multi-app-service
image_uri: anyscale/ray:2.30.0-py39
- name: stable_diffusion
image_uri: anyscale/image:custom-diffusion-image

The application's image_uri runtime environment, anyscale/image:custom-diffusion-image, overrides the image_uri of the overall service, anyscale/ray:2.30.0-py39, where all applications run by default.


This example deploys two applications, a ResNet model and a Whisper model, in a single service, but each application uses a separate image.

Build custom container images

Let's build two custom container images that neatly package the two respective models and their dependencies.

First, build a custom container image containing the application code for the ResNet model (see the source code) and its dependencies:

  • torch==2.0.1
  • torchvision==0.15.2

Copy the image URI for later use; in our example, the image URI is anyscale/image/resnet-cpu-image:1. ResNet container image

Next, build a custom container image containing the application code for the Whisper model (see the source code) and its necessary dependencies:

  • faster_whisper==0.10.0

Notice that in the Python definition of the Whisper application, the resource requirements include "num_gpus": 1. Since the model runs on GPUs, we need to run it in an image with CUDA support. This is why the image uses anyscale/ray-ml:2.30.0-py39-gpu as a base image.

Again, save the image URI for later use; in our example, it is anyscale/image/whisper-gpu-image:1. Whisper container image

Deploy service

Now, let's deploy the ResNet and Whisper models to an Anyscale Service with their respective container images.

To make use of the container images we just built, set the image_uri in each application's runtime_env to the image URIs you copied from the previous step. This will run the Ray Serve applications in separate containers from the service cluster environment.


Notice that the image for the general Anyscale Service cluster, anyscale/ray:2.30.0-py39, uses Ray 2.30.0 and Python 3.9, and the base images for the custom container images we built above also use Ray 2.30.0 and Python 3.9. This is because the Ray and Python version in the service cluster environment must match that of all images used to launch Serve applications in separate containers.

name: multi-app-service
image_uri: anyscale/ray:2.30.0-py39
- name: resnet
route_prefix: /resnet
import_path: resnet50_example:app
image_uri: anyscale/image/resnet-cpu-image:1
- name: whisper
route_prefix: /whisper
import_path: whisper_example:entrypoint
image_uri: anyscale/image/whisper-gpu-image:1

Deploy this service with anyscale service deploy -f config.yaml.

Query service

Let's run the ResNet model on a picture of an ox.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_APP_API_TOKEN" \
-d '{"uri": ""}'
# Output

Next, let's run the Whisper model on this audio recording.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_APP_API_TOKEN" \
-d '{"filepath": ""}' \
| jq "."
# Output
"language": "en",
"language_probability": 1,
"duration": 21.775,
"transcript_text": " Well, think about the time of our ancestors. A ping, a ding, a rustling in the bushes is like, whoo, that means an immediate response. Oh my gosh, what's that thing? Oh my gosh, I have to do it right now. And dude, it's not a tiger, right? Like, but our, our body treats stress as if it's life-threatening. Cause to quote Robert Sapolsky or butcher his quote, he's a Robert Sapolsky is like one of the most incredible stress physiologists of,",
"whisper_alignments": [
" Well,",