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Deploy, configure, and serve LLMs

⏱️ Time to complete: 10 min

This template comes with a library for serving OSS LLMs on Anyscale called RayLLM.

RayLLM provides a number of features that simplify LLM development, including:

  • An extensive suite of pre-configured open source LLMs.
  • An OpenAI-compatible REST API.

As well as operational features to efficiently scale LLM apps:

  • Optimizations such as continuous batching, quantization and streaming.
  • Production-grade autoscaling support, including scale-to-zero.
  • Native multi-GPU & multi-node model deployments.

This template explains how to set up, run, and query LLMs with RayLLM.

To learn more about RayLLM, check out the docs. If you're interested in fine-tuning, check out the fine-tuning template.

Note: This guide is hosted within an Anyscale workspace, which provides easy access to compute resources. Check out the Introduction to Workspaces template for more details.

Step 1 - Generate a RayLLM config

RayLLM takes in a config that specifies the model you wish to serve, as well as its settings.

Use the RayLLM CLI in the workspace terminal to generate the config:

rayllm gen-config

Note: This command requires interactive inputs and should be executed directly in the terminal, not within a Jupyter notebook cell.

This command lets you pick from a common set of OSS LLMs and helps you configure them. You can tune settings like GPU type, tensor parallelism, and autoscaling parameters. Check out the docs to learn how to bring your own models.

Please note that if you're configuring a model whose architecture is different from the provided list of models, we recommend that you closely review the generated model config file to provide the correct values.

This command generates 2 files - an LLM config file (saved in model_config/) and a Ray Serve config file (serve_TIMESTAMP.yaml) that you can reference and re-run in the future.

Step 2 - Run the model locally in the workspace

If you didn't start the serve application in the previous step, you can start it using the following command (replace the file name with the generated serve_ file name):

!serve run serve_TIMESTAMP.yaml

Step 3 - Query the model

Once deployed you can use the OpenAI SDK to interact with the models, ensuring an easy integration for your applications.

Run the following command to query. You should get the following output:

The top rated restaurants in San Francisco include:
• Chez Panisse
• Momofuku Noodle Bar
• Nopa
• Saison
• Mission Chinese Food
• Sushi Nakazawa
• The French Laundry

RayLLM uses an OpenAI-compatible API, allowing us to use the OpenAI SDK to query the LLMs.

from openai import OpenAI

# TODO: Replace this model ID with your own.
MODEL_ID = "mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1"

def query(base_url: str, api_key: str):
if not base_url.endswith("/"):
base_url += "/"

if "/routes" in base_url:
raise ValueError("base_url must end with '.com'")

client = OpenAI(
base_url=base_url + "v1",

# List all models.
models = client.models.list()

# Note: not all arguments are currently supported and will be ignored by the backend.
chat_completions =
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
{"role": "user", "content": "What are some of the highest rated restaurants in San Francisco?'."},

for chat in chat_completions:
if chat.choices[0].delta.content is not None:
print(chat.choices[0].delta.content, end="")
# Query the local serve application we just deployed.

query("http://localhost:8000", "NOT A REAL KEY")

Step 4 - Deploying a production service

To deploy an application with one model as an Anyscale Service, update the file name to the generated one and run the following command:

# Deploy the serve app to production with a given service name.
# Reference the serve file created in step 1
!anyscale service deploy -f serve_TIMESTAMP.yaml

After the command runs, click the deploy notification (or navigate to Home > Services) to access the Service UI:

Navigate to the Service UI and wait for the service to reach "Active". It will begin in "Starting" state:

Step 5 - Query the service endpoint

The above command should print something like (anyscale +2.9s) curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXXXXXXXX_XXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX', which contains information you need to query the service.

You can also find this information by clicking the "Query" button in the Service UI.

# Query the remote serve application we just deployed.

service_url = "" # FILL ME IN

query(service_url, service_bearer_token)

End-to-end examples

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