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Fine-tuning Llama-3, Mistral and Mixtral with Anyscale

Try it out

Run this example in the Anyscale Console or view it on GitHub.

⏱️ Time to complete: 2.5 hours for 7/8B models (9 hours for 13B, 25 hours for 70B)

The guide below walks you through the steps required for fine-tuning of LLMs. This template provides an easy to configure solution for ML Platform teams, Infrastructure engineers, and Developers to fine-tune LLMs.

  • meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B (Full-param and LoRA)
  • meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-70B (Full-param and LoRA)
  • mistralai/Mistral-7B (Full-param and LoRA)
  • mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B (LoRA only)

*Any model that has the same architecture and parameter count as above can be finetuned. A subset of popular variants of these models are provided out of the box on this template. For this subset, the Huggingface model id is enough. But for models beyond this list, the location to the weights must be provided.

A full list of out-of-the-box supported models is in the FAQ section. In the end we provide more guides in form of cookbooks and end-to-end examples that provide more detailed information about using this template.

Quick start

Step 1 - Launch a fine-tuning run in workspaces

We provide example configurations under the ./training_configs directory for different base models and accelerator types. You can use these as a starting point for your own fine-tuning jobs. The full-list of public configurations that are customizable see Anyscale docs.

Optional: You can get a WandB API key from WandB to track the fine-tuning process. If not provided, you can only track the experiments through the standard output logs.

Next, you can launch a fine-tuning job with your WandB API key passed as an environment variable.

# [Optional] You can set the WandB API key to track model performance
# import os

# Launch a LoRA fine-tuning job for Llama 3 8B with 16 A10s
!llmforge anyscale finetune training_configs/lora/llama-3-8b.yaml

# Launch a full-param fine-tuning job for Llama 3 8B with 16 A10s
# !llmforge anyscale finetune training_configs/full_param/llama-3-8b.yaml

LLMForge is an Anyscale CLI and library that is installed on this workspace so that you can quickly experiment and customize various LLM finetuning experiments by simply modifying a config file. For extensive documentation around what is supported through the config refer to docs.

# To get help on the CLI
!llmforge anyscale finetune --help

[2024-06-28 14:38:55,193] [INFO] [] Setting ds_accelerator to cuda (auto detect) Usage: llmforge anyscale finetune [OPTIONS] CONFIG

Runs finetuning with LLMForge on a given configuration file.

This is supposed to be used in the context of Anyscale platform either in Workspace or as entrypoint of a job.


CONFIG: Path to the YAML configuration. See docs for more info.

Options: --help Show this message and exit.

As the command runs, you can monitor a number of built-in metrics in the Metrics tab under Ray Dashboard, such as the number of GPU nodes and GPU utilization.

Depending on whether you are running LoRA or full-param fine-tuning, you can continue with step 2(a) or step 2(b). To learn more about LoRA vs. full-parameter, see the cookbooks.

Step 2(a) - Serving the LoRA fine-tuned model

Upon the job completion, you can see the LoRA weight storage location and model ID in the log, such as the one below:

Note: LoRA weights will also be stored in path {ANYSCALE_ARTIFACT_STORAGE}/lora_fine_tuning under meta-llama/Llama-2-8b-chat-hf:sql:12345 bucket.

You can specify this URI as the dynamic_lora_loading_path docs in the llm serving template, and then query the endpoint.

Note: Such LoRA model IDs follow the format {base_model_id}:{suffix}:{id}

Step 2(b) - Serving the full-parameter fine-tuned model

Once the fine-tuning job is complete, you can view the stored full-parameter fine-tuned checkpoint at the very end of the job logs. Here is an example fine-tuning job output:

Best checkpoint is stored in:

Follow the Learn how to bring your own models section under the llm serving template to serve this fine-tuned model with the specified storage uri.


After you are with the above, you can find recipies that extend the functionality of this template under the cookbooks folder:

End-to-end Examples

Here is a list of end-to-end examples that involve more steps such as data preprocessing, evaluation, etc but with a main focus on improving model quality via fine-tuning.

LLMForge Versions

Here is a list of LLMForge image versions:



Where can I view the bucket where my LoRA weights are stored?

All the LoRA weights are stored under the URI ${ANYSCALE_ARTIFACT_STORAGE}/lora_fine_tuning where ANYSCALE_ARTIFACT_STORAGE is an environmental variable in your workspace.

What's the full list of supported models?

This is a growing list but it includes the following models:

  • meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B
  • meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct
  • meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-70B
  • meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct
  • meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf
  • meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf
  • meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-hf
  • meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-chat-hf
  • meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf
  • meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-chat-hf
  • codellama/CodeLlama-34b-Instruct-hf
  • mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1
  • mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1

In general, any model that is compatible with the architecture of these models can be fine-tuned using the same configs as the base models.

NOTE: currently mixture of expert models (such as mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B) only support LoRA fine-tuning

What's with the main file that is created during fine-tuning?

It's an artifact of our fine-tuning libraries. Please ignore it.