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Image API Reference

Check your docs version

These docs are for the new Anyscale design. If you started using Anyscale before April 2024, use Version 1.0.0 of the docs. If you're transitioning to Anyscale Preview, see the guide for how to migrate.

Customer-hosted cloud features


Some features are only available on customer-hosted clouds. Reach out to for info.

Image Models


ImageBuild(uri: str, status: Union[str, anyscale.image.models.ImageBuildStatus], ray_version: Optional[str])


  • uri (str): The URI of the image for the build.
  • status (str | ImageBuildStatus): The status of the image build.
  • ray_version (str | None): The Ray version used for the image build.

Python Methods

def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]
"""Return a dictionary representation of the model."""


import anyscale
from anyscale.models import ImageBuild, ImageBuildStatus

image_build: ImageBuild = anyscale.image.get("image-name")


An enumeration.


  • IN_PROGRESS: The image build is in progress.
  • SUCCEEDED: The image build succeeded.
  • FAILED: The image build failed.
  • UNKNOWN: The CLI/SDK received an unexpected state from the API server. In most cases, this means you need to update the CLI.

Image CLI

anyscale image build


anyscale image build [OPTIONS]

Build an image from a Containerfile.


  • --containerfile/-f: Path to the Containerfile.
  • --name/-n: Name for the image. If the image with the same name already exists, a new version will be built. Otherwise, a new image will be created.
  • --ray-version/-r: The Ray version (X.Y.Z) specified for this image specified by either an image URI or a containerfile. If not provided, the latest Ray version will be used.

anyscale image get


anyscale image get [OPTIONS]

Get details of an image.


  • --name/-n: Get the details of an image.

The name can contain an optional version, e.g., 'name:version'. If no version is provided, the latest one will be used.

Image SDK

Build an image from a Containerfile.

Returns the URI of the image.


  • containerfile (str): The content of the Containerfile.
  • name (str): The name of the image.
  • ray_version (str | None) = None: The version of Ray to use in the image

Returns: str


import anyscale

containerfile = '''
FROM anyscale/ray:2.21.0-py39
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir pandas

image_uri: str =, name="mycoolimage")


The name can contain an optional version tag, i.e., 'name:version'.

If no version is provided, the latest one will be returned.


  • name (str): Get the details of an image.

The name can contain an optional version, e.g., 'name:version'. If no version is provided, the latest one will be used.

Returns: ImageBuild


import anyscale

image_status = anyscale.image.get(name="mycoolimage")