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Logs API Reference

Check your docs version

These docs are for the new Anyscale design. If you started using Anyscale before April 2024, use Version 1.0.0 of the docs. If you're transitioning to Anyscale Preview, see the guide for how to migrate.

Customer-hosted cloud features


Some features are only available on customer-hosted clouds. Reach out to for info.

Logs Models

Logs CLI

anyscale logs cluster


anyscale logs cluster [OPTIONS] [GLOB]

Access log files of a cluster.


  • --id: Provide a cluster ID.
  • -d/--download: Download logs to the current working directory, or a specified path.
  • -t/--tail: Read the last N lines of logs.
  • -ip/--node-ip: Filter logs by a node IP.
  • --instance-id: Filter logs by an instance ID.
  • --worker-only: Download logs of only the worker nodes.
  • --head-only: Download logs of only the head node.
  • --unpack/--no-unpack: Whether to unpack the combined-worker.log after downloading.
  • --download-dir: Directory to download logs into.
  • --ttl: TTL in seconds to pass to the service that generates presigned URL's (default: 4h).
  • --parallelism: Number of files to download in parallel at a time.