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Image API Reference

Customer-hosted cloud features


Some features are only available on customer-hosted clouds. Reach out to for info.

Image CLI

anyscale image build


anyscale image build [OPTIONS]

Build an image from a Containerfile.


  • --containerfile/-f: Path to the Containerfile.
  • --name/-n: Name for the image. If the image with the same name already exists, a new version will be built. Otherwise, a new image will be created.
  • --ray-version/-r: The Ray version (X.Y.Z) specified for this image specified by either an image URI or a containerfile. If not provided, the latest Ray version will be used.


$ anyscale image build -f my.Dockerfile -n my-image --ray-version 2.21.0
(anyscale +2.8s) Building image. View it in the UI:
(anyscale +1m53.0s) Waiting for image build to complete. Elapsed time: 102 seconds.
(anyscale +1m53.0s) Image build succeeded.
Image built successfully with URI: anyscale/image/my-image:1

$ cat my.Dockerfile
FROM anyscale/ray:2.21.0-py39
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir pandas

anyscale image get


anyscale image get [OPTIONS]

Get details of an image.


  • --name/-n: Get the details of an image.

The name can contain an optional version, e.g., 'name:version'. If no version is provided, the latest one will be used.


$ anyscale image get -n my-image
uri: anyscale/image/my-image:1
ray_version: 2.21.0

Image SDK

Build an image from a Containerfile.

Returns the URI of the image.


  • containerfile (str): The content of the Containerfile.
  • name (str): The name of the image.
  • ray_version (str | None) = None: The version of Ray to use in the image

Returns: str


import anyscale

containerfile = '''
FROM anyscale/ray:2.21.0-py39
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir pandas

image_uri: str =, name="mycoolimage")


The name can contain an optional version tag, i.e., 'name:version'.

If no version is provided, the latest one will be returned.


  • name (str): Get the details of an image.

The name can contain an optional version, e.g., 'name:version'. If no version is provided, the latest one will be used.

Returns: ImageBuild


import anyscale

image_status = anyscale.image.get(name="mycoolimage")

Image Models


ImageBuild(uri: str, status: Union[str, anyscale.image.models.ImageBuildStatus], ray_version: Optional[str])


  • uri (str): The URI of the image for the build.
  • status (str | ImageBuildStatus): The status of the image build.
  • ray_version (str | None): The Ray version used for the image build.

Python Methods

def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]
"""Return a dictionary representation of the model."""


import anyscale
from anyscale.models import ImageBuild, ImageBuildStatus

image_build: ImageBuild = anyscale.image.get("image-name")


An enumeration.


  • IN_PROGRESS: The image build is in progress.
  • SUCCEEDED: The image build succeeded.
  • FAILED: The image build failed.
  • UNKNOWN: The CLI/SDK received an unexpected state from the API server. In most cases, this means you need to update the CLI.

Cluster environment CLI Legacy

anyscale image build Legacy


This command is deprecated. Upgrade to anyscale image build.


anyscale image build [OPTIONS] CLUSTER_ENV_FILE

Build a new cluster environment from config file.


  • --name/-n: Name to save built cluster environment as. Default will be used if not provided

anyscale image list Legacy

Limited support

This command is not actively maintained. Use with caution.


anyscale image list [OPTIONS]

List information about cluster environments on Anyscale. By default only list cluster environments you have created.


  • --name/-n: List information about all builds of the cluster environment with this name.
  • --cluster-env-id/--id: List information about all builds of the cluster environment with this id.
  • --include-shared: Include all cluster environments you have access to.
  • --max-items: Max items to show in list.

anyscale image archive Legacy

Limited support

This command is not actively maintained. Use with caution.


anyscale image archive [OPTIONS]

Archive the specified cluster environment.


  • --name/-n: Name of the cluster environment to archive.
  • --cluster-env-id/--id: Id of the cluster environment to archive. Must be provided if a cluster environment name is not given.

anyscale image get Legacy


This command is deprecated. Upgrade to anyscale image get.


anyscale image get [OPTIONS] [CLUSTER_ENV_NAME]

Get details about cluster environment build. The cluster-env-name argument is a cluster environment name optionally followed by a colon and a build version number. Eg: my_cluster_env:1


  • --cluster-env-build-id/--id: Get details about cluster environment build by this id.

Cluster environment SDK Legacy

The AnyscaleSDK class must be constructed in order to make calls to the SDK. This class allows you to create an authenticated client in which to use the SDK.

auth_tokenOptional StringAuthentication token used to verify you have permissions to access Anyscale. If not provided, permissions default to the credentials set for your current user. Credentials can be set by following the instructions on this page:


from anyscale import AnyscaleSDK

sdk = AnyscaleSDK()

get_cluster_environment_build_operation Legacy

Limited support

This command is not actively maintained. Use with caution.

Retrieves a Cluster Environment Build Operation.


cluster_environment_build_operation_idstrID of the Cluster Environment Build Operation to retrieve.Defaults to null

Returns ClusterenvironmentbuildoperationResponse

create_byod_cluster_environment_build Legacy


This command is deprecated. Upgrade to

Creates and starts a BYOD Cluster Environment Build.



Returns ClusterenvironmentbuildoperationResponse

create_cluster_environment_build Legacy


This command is deprecated. Upgrade to

Creates and starts a Cluster Environment Build. This is a long running operation.



Returns ClusterenvironmentbuildoperationResponse

find_cluster_environment_build_by_identifier Legacy

Limited support

This command is not actively maintained. Use with caution.

Looks for a cluster environment build given a cluster environment identifier. Identifiers are in the format my-cluster-env:1


identifierstrIdentifier of the cluster env to look for. Identifiers are in the format my-cluster-env:1Defaults to null

Returns ClusterenvironmentbuildResponse

get_cluster_environment_build Legacy

Limited support

This command is not actively maintained. Use with caution.

Retrieves a Cluster Environment Build.


cluster_environment_build_idstrID of the Cluster Environment Build to retrieve.Defaults to null

Returns ClusterenvironmentbuildResponse

get_cluster_environment_build_logs Legacy

Limited support

This command is not actively maintained. Use with caution.

Retrieves logs for a Cluster Environment Build.


cluster_environment_build_idstrID of the Cluster Environment Build to retrieve logs for.Defaults to null

Returns ClusterenvironmentbuildlogresponseResponse

get_default_cluster_environment_build Legacy

Limited support

This command is not actively maintained. Use with caution.

Retrieves a default cluster environment with the preferred attributes.


python_versionPythonVersionPython version for the cluster environmentDefaults to null
ray_versionstrRay version to use for this cluster environment. Should match a version string found in the ray version history on pypi. See here for full list: to null

Returns ClusterenvironmentbuildResponse

list_cluster_environment_builds Legacy

Limited support

This command is not actively maintained. Use with caution.

Lists all Cluster Environment Builds belonging to an Cluster Environment.


cluster_environment_idstrID of the Cluster Environment to list builds for.Defaults to null
descoptional boolOrders the list of builds from latest to oldest.Defaults to false
paging_tokenoptional strDefaults to null
countoptional intDefaults to 10

Returns ClusterenvironmentbuildListResponse

create_byod_cluster_environment Legacy


This command is deprecated. Upgrade to

Creates a BYOD Cluster Environment.



Returns ClusterenvironmentResponse

create_cluster_environment Legacy


This command is deprecated. Upgrade to

Creates a Cluster Environment.



Returns ClusterenvironmentResponse

delete_cluster_environment Legacy

Limited support

This command is not actively maintained. Use with caution.

Deletes a Cluster Environment.


cluster_config_idstrID of the Cluster Environment to delete.Defaults to null

Returns void (empty response body)

get_cluster_environment Legacy

Limited support

This command is not actively maintained. Use with caution.

Retrieves a Cluster Environment.


cluster_environment_idstrID of the Cluster Environment to retrieve.Defaults to null

Returns ClusterenvironmentResponse

search_cluster_environments Legacy

Limited support

This command is not actively maintained. Use with caution.

Lists all Cluster Environments that the logged in user has permissions to access.



Returns ClusterenvironmentListResponse

Cluster environment Models Legacy

ClusterEnvironment Legacy

idstrServer assigned unique identifier.[default to null]
namestrName of the Cluster Environment.[default to null]
project_idstrID of the Project this Cluster Environment is for.[optional] [default to null]
organization_idstrID of the Organization this Cluster Environment was created in.[default to null]
creator_idstrID of the User that created this record.[default to null]
created_atdatetimeTimestamp of when this record was created.[default to null]
last_modified_atdatetimeTimestamp of when this record was last updated.[default to null]
deleted_atdatetimeTimestamp of when this record was deleted.[optional] [default to null]
anonymousboolTrue if this is an anonymous Cluster Environment.[optional] [default to false]
is_defaultboolTrue if this Cluster Environment is created and managed by anyscale[optional] [default to false]

ClusterEnvironmentBuild Legacy

Usable Cluster Environment Build to start a Cluster.

cluster_environment_idstrID of the Cluster Environment this Build belongs to.[default to null]
config_jsonAppConfigConfigSchemaConfig JSON used to create this Cluster Environment Build.[optional] [default to null]
containerfilestrThe containerfile used to build the image.[optional] [default to null]
docker_image_namestrThe name of the docker image for this Build.[optional] [default to null]
registry_login_secretstrThe name or identifier of a secret containing credentials to authenticate to the docker registry hosting the image.[optional] [default to null]
ray_versionstrThe Ray version to use for this build.[optional] [default to null]
idstrServer assigned unique identifier.[default to null]
revisionintAuto incrementing version number for this Build[default to null]
creator_idstrID of the user who created this Build.[default to null]
error_messagestrDetailed error message. This will only be populated if the Build operation failed.[optional] [default to null]
statusClusterEnvironmentBuildStatusStatus of the Build. `pending` - Build operation is queued and has not started yet. `in_progress` - Build operation is in progress. `succeeded` - Build operation completed successfully. `failed` - Build operation completed unsuccessfully. `pending_cancellation` - Build operation is marked for cancellation. `cancelled` - Build operation was cancelled before it completed.[default to null]
created_atdatetimeTimestamp of when this Build was created.[default to null]
last_modified_atdatetimeTimestamp of when this Build was last updated.[default to null]
deleted_atdatetimeTimestamp of when this Build was deleted.[optional] [default to null]
is_byodboolTrue if the image URI used in this build was user-specified.[default to null]
cloud_idstrThe build cloud associated with this build. If None, the build is a v1 build.[optional] [default to null]
digeststrThe digest of the image for this Build.[optional] [default to null]

ClusterEnvironmentBuildLogResponse Legacy

logsstrLogs of the build.[default to null]

ClusterEnvironmentBuildOperation Legacy

Describes a long running operation that will eventually complete. Consider this an abstract class. Specific kinds of operations should subclass this.

idstrID of this operation.[default to null]
completedboolBoolean indicating if this operation is completed.[default to null]
progressOperationProgressDetails about the progress of this operation at the time of the request. This will be absent for completed operations.[optional] [default to null]
resultOperationResultThe result of this operation after it has completed. This is always provided when the operation is complete.[optional] [default to null]
cluster_environment_build_idstrID of the Cluster Environment Build this operation is for.[default to null]

ClusterEnvironmentBuildStatus Legacy

An enumeration.

Possible Values: ['pending', 'in_progress', 'succeeded', 'failed', 'pending_cancellation', 'canceled']

ClusterEnvironmentsQuery Legacy

project_idstrFilters Cluster Environments by project id. If absent, no filtering is done.[optional] [default to null]
creator_idstrFilters Cluster Environments by creator id. If absent, no filtering is done.[optional] [default to null]
nameTextQueryFilters Cluster Environments by name. Currently only contains is supported.If absent, no filtering is done.[optional] [default to null]
image_nameTextQueryFilters Cluster Environments by image name. Image name is a virtual concept. It starts with 'anyscale/image' (for customer-built images) or 'anyscale/ray' (default images).Currently only contains is supported. If absent, no filtering is done.[optional] [default to null]
pagingPageQueryPagination information.[optional] [default to null]
include_archivedboolWhether to include archived Cluster Environments in the results.[optional] [default to false]
include_anonymousboolWhether to include anonymous Cluster Environments in the results.[optional] [default to false]

ClusterenvironmentListResponse Legacy

A list response form the API. Contains a field "results" which has the contents of the response.

resultsList[ClusterEnvironment][default to null]
metadataListResponseMetadata[optional] [default to null]

ClusterenvironmentResponse Legacy

A response from the API. Contains a field "result" which has the contents of the response.

resultClusterEnvironment[default to null]

ClusterenvironmentbuildListResponse Legacy

A list response form the API. Contains a field "results" which has the contents of the response.

resultsList[ClusterEnvironmentBuild][default to null]
metadataListResponseMetadata[optional] [default to null]

ClusterenvironmentbuildlogresponseResponse Legacy

A response from the API. Contains a field "result" which has the contents of the response.

resultClusterEnvironmentBuildLogResponse[default to null]

ClusterenvironmentbuildoperationResponse Legacy

A response from the API. Contains a field "result" which has the contents of the response.

resultClusterEnvironmentBuildOperation[default to null]

CreateBYODClusterEnvironment Legacy

Model used to create a BYOD Cluster Environment.

namestrName of the Cluster Environment.[default to null]
config_jsonCreateBYODClusterEnvironmentConfigurationSchemaConfig JSON to use to create a new BYOD Cluster Environment.[default to null]
anonymousboolTrue if this is an anonymous Cluster Environment.[optional] [default to false]

CreateBYODClusterEnvironmentBuild Legacy

Model used to create a BYOD Cluster Environment Build.

cluster_environment_idstrID of the Cluster Environment this Build belongs to.[default to null]
config_jsonCreateBYODAppConfigConfigurationSchemaConfig JSON to use to create a new BYOD Build.[default to null]

CreateBYODClusterEnvironmentConfigurationSchema Legacy

docker_imagestrThe custom container base image used in the Cluster Environment.[default to null]
ray_versionstrThe version of Ray used in the customer docker image.[default to null]
env_varsobjectEnvironment variables in the docker image that will be used at runtime.[optional] [default to null]
registry_login_secretstrThe name or identifier of a secret containing credentials to authenticate to the docker registry hosting the image.[optional] [default to null]

CreateClusterEnvironment Legacy

Model used to create an Cluster Environment.

namestrName of the Cluster Environment.[default to null]
project_idstrID of the Project this Cluster Environment is for.[optional] [default to null]
config_jsonCreateClusterEnvironmentConfigurationSchemaConfig JSON to use to create a new Cluster Environment.[optional] [default to null]
containerfilestrContainerfile to use to create a new Cluster Environment.[optional] [default to null]
anonymousboolTrue if this is an anonymous Cluster Environment.[optional] [default to false]

CreateClusterEnvironmentBuild Legacy

Model used to create a Cluster Environment Build.

cluster_environment_idstrID of the Cluster Environment this Build belongs to.[default to null]
config_jsonCreateAppConfigConfigurationSchemaConfig JSON to use to create a new Build.[optional] [default to null]
containerfilestrThe containerfile used to build the image.[optional] [default to null]
docker_image_namestrThe name of the docker image for this Build.[optional] [default to null]
registry_login_secretstrThe name or identifier of a secret containing credentials to authenticate to the docker registry hosting the image.[optional] [default to null]
ray_versionstrThe Ray version to use for this build.[optional] [default to null]

CreateClusterEnvironmentConfigurationSchema Legacy

base_imageSUPPORTEDBASEIMAGESENUMThe base image to use to create a new Cluster Environment. It needs to be one of the images that we currently support (SupportedBaseImages).[default to null]
env_varsobjectEnvironment varibles in the docker image that'll be used at runtime.[optional] [default to null]
debian_packagesList[str]List of debian packages that'll be included in the image.[optional] [default to null]
pythonPythonModulesPython related dependencies.[optional] [default to null]
post_build_cmdsList[str]List of post build commands that'll be included in the image.[optional] [default to null]

RayRuntimeEnvConfig Legacy

A runtime env config. Can be used to start a production job.

working_dirstrThe working directory that your code will run in. Must be a remote URI like an s3 or git path.[optional] [default to null]
py_modulesList[str]Python modules that will be installed along with your runtime env. These must be remote URIs.[optional] [default to null]
pipList[str]A list of pip packages to install.[optional] [default to null]
condaobject[Union[Dict[str, Any], str]: Either the conda YAML config or the name of a local conda env (e.g., "pytorch_p36"),[optional] [default to null]
env_varsDict(str, str)Environment variables to set.[optional] [default to null]
configobjectConfig for runtime environment. Can be used to setup setup_timeout_seconds, the timeout of runtime environment creation.[optional] [default to null]

RuntimeEnvironment Legacy

Reusable runtime environment for Jobs and Actors running in Anyscale.

idstrServer assigned unique Identifier[default to null]
ray_env_hashstrA hash of this Runtime Environment as provided by Ray[default to null]
namestrName for this Runtime Environment.[optional] [default to null]
working_dirstrThe working directory for this Runtime Environment.[optional] [default to null]
py_modulesList[str]Python modules included in this Runtime Environment.[optional] [default to null]
pip_packagesstrPip dependencies installed in this Runtime Environment.[optional] [default to null]
conda_env_namestrName of the Conda environment this Runtime Environment is using.[optional] [default to null]
conda_valuesobjectConda values for this Runtime Environment.[optional] [default to null]
env_variablesDict(str, str)Environment variables set for this Runtime Environment.[optional] [default to null]
created_atdatetimeTime at which this Runtime Environment was created.[default to null]
creator_idstrID of the User who created this Runtime Environment.[default to null]

RuntimeenvironmentResponse Legacy

A response from the API. Contains a field "result" which has the contents of the response.

resultRuntimeEnvironment[default to null]