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Overview of your Anyscale account

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An organization is a logical grouping of users. Usually, all users within a one company will belong to a single organization. Billing will also be performed at the organization level.

An organization is created when a user that doesn't belong to an existing organization registers on Anyscale. This user becomes an owner the organization, and can invite additional users via email. Users, specifically an email address, can only belong to one organization.


If you are admin user, you can view the members of your organization by clicking the user icon, and then going to "My organization."

To invite new members to join, click on the "Invite teammates" button and list out comma-separated email addresses for each new user you wish to invite to your organization. Each email address will receive a link to register a new user account.

In this page, you can also modify the role of existing members to be owner (admin privileges) or collaborator (no admin privileges).


Access Controls contains more details on valid actions for all users in an organization.