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User management

ℹī¸For organization owners

Add, remove, and update permissions for users within an Anyscale account. As an organization owner, you can view information and make changes through the console or with an API endpoint.

🔐Looking for SSO?

Anyscale provides Single Sign-On (SSO) built upon the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 standard. See Configuring SSO to enable IT administrators to manage user access through a single authentication source.


Two types of users exist at the Anyscale organization level:

  • Organization owners: Administrators who manage account-level settings like user access, billing, support access, and cloud deployment.
  • Organization collaborators: Invited by organization owners. Granted access to resources to interact with the platform, but not edit settings.

See Permissions for more information about organization roles.

Manage users​

Organization owners can perform user management actions within the organization, which include:

  • User access
  • Modifying roles, like converting an existing collaborator to an owner
  • Billing
  • Support access
  • Cloud deployment
  • Accessing the Organization settings page in the user's setting dropdown in the top right corner

Add users​

Add users to an organization​

An organization in Anyscale is a single place for your company and your work.

  1. Go to the user menu and select Organization settings. The click the Members tab to view members of the organization.
  2. Click the Invite teammates button.
  3. Enter the email addresses of the invitees, separated by commas.
  4. New members can register with the link sent to their email address.

Add users to an Anyscale cloud​

There are three types of roles available at the Anyscale cloud level:

  • Cloud collaborator: Cloud collaborators have access to manage resources within a cloud.
  • Cloud owner: The cloud owner can manage users within a cloud. They must also be an organization owner.
  • Cloud read-only: The read-only role has permissions to view resources within a cloud.

See cloud roles for more information about permissions.

Organization owners must manually add users to each Anyscale Cloud to grant access. Organization collaborators can then view details and create Anyscale clusters like workspaces, jobs, and services using that cloud's resources.

  1. Click on the Clouds tab.
  2. Select the Cloud you want users to access.
  3. Click Grant permission to add users who already exist in the organization.

Auto add users to a cloud​

Cloud owners can enable the auto add user feature to grant all organization users cloud collaborator permissions. You can toggle this feature through the UI. From the clouds page, click a cloud name and in the About this cloud section, then toggle the Share with the organization feature. You can also toggle the feature through the CLI with anyscale cloud edit and anyscale cloud update.

Modify user roles​

  1. Go to the user menu and select Organization settings. The click the Members tab to view members of the organization.
  2. Toggle the role to change an existing member to an owner, a collaborator, or a read-only role.

Delete users​

Remove user from SSO

If your organization set up SSO, remove the user from your SSO Identity Provider's Anyscale integration to fully restrict the user's access.

  1. Go to the user menu and select Organization settings. Click the Members tab to view members of the organization.
  2. Select the collaborators to remove. To delete an owner, downgrade them to a collaborator first.
  3. Confirm deletion.
🗑ī¸ What happens to Anyscale entities created by a deleted user?
Ownership Transfer Table

Note: The following permissions structure applies to organizations created after August 2023. See Permissions.

WorkspacesRemain running unless you manually terminate them. Duplicate to retain work while assuming ownership.
JobsRemain running unless you manually terminate them. Duplicate as Workspaces to submit Jobs and assume ownership.
ServicesRemain running unless you manually terminate them. Duplicate as Workspaces to deploy Services and assume ownership.
SchedulesA Schedule terminates when it encounters permission errors. Any user can resume, and they become the new creator of subsequent Jobs. The original schedule creator remains unchanged.
ProjectsIf the owner deletes the creator, the organization owner becomes the implicit owner. The organization owner can transfer explicit ownership to another user.
CloudIf the owner deletes the creator, the organization owner becomes the implicit owner. The organization owner can transfer explicit ownership to another user.
đŸ’ģ Programmatic deletion

Both methods support one-by-one deletion.

  • Option 1: Use DELETE /api/v2/organization_collaborators/{identity_id} to remove users with the API endpoint.
  • Option 2: Use the Anyscale Python SDK with the following script.

    from anyscale.authenticate import get_auth_api_client

    def delete_collaborator():
    api_client = get_auth_api_client().api_client
    collaborators = api_client.list_organization_collaborators_api_v2_organization_collaborators_get()

    email_to_remove = input("Enter the email of the collaborator to remove: ")

    # Filter the list to find the collaborator with the matching email.
    matching_collaborators = [collaborator for collaborator in collaborators.results if == email_to_remove]
    # Ensure only one collaborator matches the provided email.
    assert len(matching_collaborators) == 1, f"Error: Found {len(matching_collaborators)} identities matching {email_to_remove}. Expected 1."

    input(f"Going to delete the following identity:\n{matching_collaborators[0]}\nPress any key to continue...")
    print("Collaborator successfully removed.")
