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Structured logging

Anyscale enables users to configure the Python logging library to output logs in a structured JSON format. This setup standardizes log entries, making them easier to handle.


Use Anyscale Runtime version 2.30 or higher (version 2.32 or higher is recommended).


When using Anyscale runtime version 2.32 or higher, logs automatically output with JSON formatting and include additional metadata. If you have set up log exporting with Vector, make sure your transformations are compatible with JSON logs.

API (alpha)

Method 1: Configure structured logging with ray.init

logging_config=ray.LoggingConfig(encoding="JSON", log_level="INFO")

Users can configure the following parameters:

  • encoding: The encoding format for the logs. The default is TEXT for plain text logs. The other option is JSON for structured logs. In both TEXT and JSON encoding formats, the logs include Ray-specific fields such as job_id, worker_id, node_id, actor_id, and task_id, if available.

  • log_level: The log level for the driver process. The default is INFO. Available log levels are defined in the Python logging library.

When you set up logging_config in ray.init, it configures the root loggers for the driver process, Ray actors, and Ray tasks.

Method 2: Configure structured logging with an environment variable (Anyscale Runtime 2.32 or higher)

You can configure the RAY_LOGGING_CONFIG_ENCODING environment variable to set the encoding format for the logs. You can set the value to TEXT or JSON. Note that the environment variable needs to be set before import ray.

import os

import ray
import logging

# Use the root logger to print log messages.


The following example configures the LoggingConfig to output logs in a structured JSON format and set the log level to INFO. It then logs messages with the root loggers in the driver process, Ray tasks, and Ray actors. The logs include Ray-specific fields such as job_id, worker_id, node_id, actor_id, and task_id.

import ray
import logging

logging_config=ray.LoggingConfig(encoding="JSON", log_level="INFO")

def init_logger():
"""Get the root logger"""
return logging.getLogger()

logger = logging.getLogger()"Driver process")

def f():
logger = init_logger()"A Ray task")

class actor:
def print_message(self):
logger = init_logger()"A Ray actor")

task_obj_ref = f.remote()

actor_instance = actor.remote()

{"asctime": "2024-07-15 19:06:06,469", "levelname": "INFO", "message": "Driver process", "filename": "", "lineno": 12, "job_id": "03000000", "worker_id": "03000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", "node_id": "824f9d7c6a82a0faf42b91f07b42667df0831034a713f04f28ba84b9"}
(f pid=4871) {"asctime": "2024-07-15 19:06:07,435", "levelname": "INFO", "message": "A Ray task", "filename": "", "lineno": 17, "job_id": "03000000", "worker_id": "f8f84d811683e5d9e03744a4386b26a5cd6f6ca09fc5cdc8e1dbe5a3", "node_id": "824f9d7c6a82a0faf42b91f07b42667df0831034a713f04f28ba84b9", "task_id": "fa31b89f94899135ffffffffffffffffffffffff03000000"}
(actor pid=4939) {"asctime": "2024-07-15 19:06:08,700", "levelname": "INFO", "message": "A Ray actor", "filename": "", "lineno": 23, "job_id": "03000000", "worker_id": "51d62f87e3867cdcad9aecd7b431068ea433b3104c8cc4ed1db6eef7", "node_id": "824f9d7c6a82a0faf42b91f07b42667df0831034a713f04f28ba84b9", "actor_id": "4a03b12afe5598a00eadcf9503000000", "task_id": "0ab01f2d6283d7194a03b12afe5598a00eadcf9503000000"}

Next, you can also add extra fields to the log entries by using the extra parameter in the method.

import ray
import logging

logging_config=ray.LoggingConfig(encoding="JSON", log_level="INFO")

logger = logging.getLogger()"Driver process with extra fields", extra={"username": "anyscale"})

# The log entry includes the extra field "username" with the value "anyscale".

# {"asctime": "2024-07-17 21:57:50,891", "levelname": "INFO", "message": "Driver process with extra fields", "filename": "", "lineno": 9, "username": "anyscale", "job_id": "04000000", "worker_id": "04000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", "node_id": "76cdbaa32b3938587dcfa278201b8cef2d20377c80ec2e92430737ae"}

Switch to the Logs tab in the Anyscale Workspace and select Show details of the log with the message "A Ray actor". Then, you can see the structured log entry in JSON format:

"timestamp": "2024-07-15T19:06:09.326Z",
"timestampNs": 1721070369326343200,
"payload": {
"actor_id": "4a03b12afe5598a00eadcf9503000000",
"job_id": "03000000",
"levelname": "INFO",
"message": "A Ray actor",
"node_id": "824f9d7c6a82a0faf42b91f07b42667df0831034a713f04f28ba84b9",
"task_id": "0ab01f2d6283d7194a03b12afe5598a00eadcf9503000000",
"worker_id": "51d62f87e3867cdcad9aecd7b431068ea433b3104c8cc4ed1db6eef7",